Volunteer Has Arm Nearly Torn Off By A Tiger At Carole Baskin’s Sanctuary
Reports are saying that there has been an incident at Carole Baskin's Big Cat Rescue sanctuary. According to Baskin, a volunteer at the sanctuary had her arm nearly torn off while trying to feed a tiger.
You can see the report that was posted to Twitter by @AP below
According to the report, a tiger named "Kimba" grabbed the volunteer's arm and nearly took it off at the shoulder.
There is also some aerial footage from @CBSNews of the situation which you can see below
Carole Baskin has not had any trouble staying out of the news cycle this year. From her recently coming out as bi-sexual, to being eliminated on 'Dancing With The Stars' after a performance based on The Lion King, to catching a law-suit from her ex-husband's family for defamation, Baskin has continuously found the spotlight throughout 2020.
Now, this incident is one the star of Tiger King on Netflix is not very happy to be getting attention on. "This sort of tragedy can happen in the blink of an eye and we cannot relax our guard for a second around these dangerous cats", Baskin said.
I hope the absolute best for Candy Couser, the volunteer who took the vicious bite from the tiger. According to the report, she was transported to a hospital for treatment. I will be looking out for her recovery story in the coming months.
As for Carole Baskin, we may never escape her being in the news-cycle at the rate she is on. Once again, I wish a speedy recovery to Couser, but I have had enough Baskin news for the next decade.
You can read the full story from The Associated Press by clicking HERE.
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