LAFAYETTE, La. (KPEL News) - The Fourth of July is approaching and fireworks will soon fill the sky. For some, fireworks represent celebration and fun. For others, it represents disturbance and aggravation.

For pet owners, fireworks can cause anxiety for our furry friends and requires pet owners to be extra vigilant about keeping them inside and from running away out of fright. By the way, this happened with a pet of mine one Fourth of July holiday and fortunately the chip I had implanted in him reunited us.

For parents of small children, fireworks can cause a disturbance in sleep which is a nightmare for parents. Fortunately, for us, fireworks don't seem to disturb our toddlers. Thank God!

Elisha Terada via
Elisha Terada via

Personally, I enjoy watching fireworks shows put on by local city governments and other groups as opposed to popping them myself. But, many people enjoy setting off fireworks themselves and to those people you are asked to please do so responsibly. Fireworks can cause injuries and unintended fires to those lighting them and to their neighbors. Not surprisinly, the most common fireworks injuries are to the face, eyes, hands, and fingers. (Remember NFL player Jason Pierre-Paul injuring his hand in a fireworks accident, as detailed in this article).

Seattle Seahawks vs New York Giants
(Jason Pierre-Paul's injured hand, Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images)

What is the Law in Lafayette Concerning Fireworks?

So, what are the laws in Lafayette concerning fireworks? More specifically, where can they be lit?

Simply, it is illegal to set off fireworks in the City of Lafayette. However, it is legal to set off fireworks in the unincorporated areas of Lafayette Parish.

Safety Tips and Measures

If you are going to set off fireworks, please be safe. Lafayette Fire Department Public Information Officer Alton Trahan says firefighters are prepared for worst case scenarios but there are a couple of simple measures you can take to keep firefighters from having to make a visit to you.

Our main concern is safety. Often, fireworks land in a field or next to someone’s house, and subsequently, you have a small fire. We recommend having a fire extinguisher or water hose nearby in case a small fire pursues.


The Louisiana Fire Marshal also offers these tips so you don't end up with injuries or damaged property:

Detonate devices at least 200 feet away from structures, vehicles, and rubbish, and move away after lighting.

Never light fireworks in your hand.

Never point or throw fireworks at people, pets, cars, or buildings.

Adults should always supervise fireworks activities.

Never allow children to light fireworks, and keep them away from small children.

Never operate fireworks while impaired.

unsplash via steve dimatteo
unsplash via steve dimatteo

Light devices one at a time and monitor and have a bucket of water or hose nearby.

Discard detonated items by wetting them down to prevent reignition.

Do not dispose of them in a trash container.

Always read and follow the label directions.

Black Cat Fireworks
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Fireworks Safety Tips Even If You Think You Already Know Them

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