What Made the List As Acadiana’s Top 4 Favorite Summer Treats
While we have to battle blazing heat in Louisiana during the summer constantly, the shift to all this excessive heat makes for some great conversations about what we do to beat the heat.
We wanted to know, "What's Your Favorite Summer Treat"? Now, think about how hard it is to have to pick one choice out of so many great options.
Snowballs, Snoballs & Sno-balls
Many people find their relief by driving to get a snowball. Did you know that two men from New Orleans each invented their own ice-shaving machines? Before these men came along in order to make a treat like this you would have to chip the ice from a big block of ice.
We are very lucky in Acadiana. It seems that there are snowball stands spread all through our area. We can even debate which place has the best snowballs.
Whether you like a snowball with a traditional flavor like strawberry, cherry, spearmint, or bubble gum, in South Louisiana we have all that and more. You know if any place is going to add a twist to a delicious item it's Louisiana. Several snowball stands around Acadiana offer traditional ice-shaving snowballs, and they offer ice-shaving snowballs that have ice cream inside.
Another really popular item with listeners in Acadiana is watermelon. I think every person I know has a least one great memory from summer that deals with getting to enjoy watermelon.
FarmFlavor.com says that watermelon was not pink or red when it first started to be grown. The fruit we know today had its origin in Africa, and it was yellow. If you want to do a "deep dive" into how watermelon has evolved, click here.
Watermelon is a cool, refreshing fruit to have during the hot summer months. Plus, watermelon helps to hydrate your body. According to Consumer Reports, the average American eats just a little over 14 pounds of watermelon each year.
Borden's Ice Cream
Road trip! Whether you live in Lafayette or not, most people know that Borden's Ice Cream has been at the corner of Johnston and Jefferson Streets. Borden's was built in 1940 and is still going strong after all these years.
It was back in 2009 when Red Lerille bought the property, and his daughter Kackie took over operations.
One of the most amazing smells in Acadiana is at Borden's Ice Cream Shop. They serve up a variety of treats like cones of ice creams, hot fudge sundaes, and banana splits.
Air Conditioning
While it's not something you consuming internally, we have to give a mention to air conditioning! We have many people respond that their summer treat is that magical machine with a condenser, motor, and ice-cold air that spews forth for us to bathe in its comfort.
Willis Carrier is probably going to be one of your heroes now as he is one of the men who are credited with inventing our modern air conditioning. There have been countless other individuals who have invented and contributed to our modern AC units.
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