What To Consider When Picking Up Sandbags After Storm
Now that the flood threat in Acadiana is gone, some will begin picking up the sandbags they placed around their house.
With that said, we should keep a few things in mind as we begin picking up the bags. For one, DO NOT throw them away. Hurricane season has just started for south Louisiana and we may need them again.
When storing them away, try to do so in a place where they are not exposed to the elements and stack them away by standing them straight up. You do not want to lay them parallel to the ground.
Also, while picking up the bags from around your house do so with caution. Snakes and other critters may have used the bags for shelter and could still be under the bags when you begin the removal process.
We hope that those bags did their job and we hope that we never have to use them again this season.
Lastly, you may want to share this bit of information with others via social media as they too being the clean-up process after Hurricane Barry.