These Are The 10 Absolute Worst Things We Got When Trick-Or-Treating As Kids
When you greet trick-or-treaters this Halloween, don't repeat the mistakes some adults made when we were kids.
First and foremost, don't throw tomatoes at me for any of the items on this list. As an adult, I understand how this list may totally make me seem unappreciative or like a whiny brat, but I can't go back and change the childhood version of DJ Digital.
So, now that I've shifted any potential blame or criticism to the past version of myself, let's discuss the 10 things that NO kid wants to see in their trick-or-treat bag this Halloween.
There was nothing worse than feeling the weight of a whole apple or orange nearly ripping your bag out of your hand. I totally get the nutrition factor, but we're taking up prime trick-or-treat bag real estate with huge fruit that will only end up bruised and tainted with the germs from the candy packages surrounding it.
More than likely this was an effort to give us something after running out of candy, but sometimes less is more. Sometimes dry goods like chips or pretzels in a Ziploc bag aren't bad because you can use them to fuel up on the go, but grits or any other packaged dry food item that required water or heat was less than ideal, plus if the packet would bust, all your candy would be sprinkled with grains. No bueno.
Maybe it's just me, but I HATE the smell of change. Also, I could remember getting a penny from some of the houses along my trick-or-treat route. Again, not trying to be unappreciative, but what on earth is a 10-year-old going to do with 37 cents?
When the candy runs out, people scramble. Another case of good intentions here, but non-perishables are NOT the move. There is no need for a grade-schooler to be weighed down with a can of green beans or black-eyed peas.
Again, not a fan of raisins, so maybe I'm biased, but here is another food item in the bag on a trek where candy is the mission. It's really not that hard to stick to the course, is it?
When it comes to things like religion and politics people often say there is a "time and place" for both. Halloween trick-or-treating is not that place. Most kids can't even understand whatever beliefs you're suggesting they subscribe to, plus most parents probably won't appreciate it.
A great suggestion, but what kid DOESN'T have a toothbrush at home? I can understand a dentist wanting to send a message, but Tommy's mom that works the front desk at a machine shop doesn't need to be throwing out subliminal to the neighborhood kids.
I think this is definitely something that only happened during my childhood in the late 80s and early 90s, but be on the lookout regardless. It happens before you even realize what's going on. You're pouring out your trick-or-treat earnings from the night and BOOM, a brown nut—still in the shell. Tragic.
I remember one house as a child where they gave out one lemon Big Sixty cookie. First of all, unwrapped treats are totally frowned upon, but I also remember the cookie being stale. In the Facebook era, I can only imagine the potential furor behind someone handing out loose cookies in a napkin, so it's probably not the greatest idea to drop "real food" into trick-or-treat bags. This also goes for boudin balls.
Children sweat it out for candy, trekking through neighborhoods and rural countrysides, looking to rack up and score big. No child of a trick-or-treating age will jump for joy at the opportunity to get two medium one-topping pizzas for the price of one nor will they comprehend the joys of a 2 for $20 sit down meal.
Have you ever gotten any of these? Are there any terrible Halloween items that I missed on this list If so, feel free to comment and above everything, enjoy your Halloween!