Young Drivers in Louisiana Rated As Some of the Worst, How Bad?
Louisiana has made the top of another not-so-good list.
According to a study by Forbes Advisor, Louisiana is the worst state for young drivers. Here's the breakdown of what went into the decision.
Just from that last category, Louisiana should be the king supreme with the state of our roads, because according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, only 75% of our roads here in Louisiana have been rated as having good levels of smoothness.
Let's break it down further: the average price of car insurance for a young driver between 15 and 20 is over $5,000. That's nearly double the national average of $2,109. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it's probably because of distracted driving, reckless driving, and maybe the really bad roads here.
The car wrecks when it comes to young drivers is also devastating when it comes to the numbers. The Highway Traffic Safety Administration found that there were 408 fatal crashes among young drivers between 2015 and 2019 -- if you break that down further, that's 116 crashes per 100,000 young people.
It's not just young people that have high car insurance. I am 30 years old with zero wrecks or tickets on my record. My car insurance is still way too high, considering my age and traffic record, and I am not alone in that thought process.