4 Things Women Hate About Themselves That Men Love
You have probably heard it from your girlfriend, wife, sister, or in-laws...."I can't stand my _____." Most women in modern day society have a tendency to hate SOMETHING about their bodies that they shouldn't according to yourtango. So I have taken it upon myself you give you a list of 4 things that women hate about themselves that men love!
- (Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images For BAFTA Los Angeles)
(Photo by Frazer Harrison/Getty Images For BAFTA Los Angeles) 4Feet
I understand ugly toenails may come into play, but the truth is most men LOVE feet. It may seem kind of weird at first, but if your man isn't taking pictures of them and showing them off to his friends....you should be ok. Its the one body party that everyone has to who are we to judge(Even if some feet are hairy)? So with that being said, ladies make yourselves a pedicure appointment today because it is time to show off!
- (Photo by Jennifer Polixenni Brankin/Getty Images)
(Photo by Jennifer Polixenni Brankin/Getty Images) 3Lips
They don't have to be big and juicy, sometimes its just how you use them. Get your mind out of the gutter....I'm talking about blowing a kiss every so often to be flirty! Not to mention if you start to get cozy and you want to start whispering stuff into your man's ear, go for it(Red lipstick is a must). If he turns that down, it might be time to cut the ties in the relationship and start looking for something different.
- (Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images for the New York Red Bulls)
(Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images for the New York Red Bulls) 2Makeup-Free Face
I know, I know, its supposed to be used to 'make yourself up,' but there is such a thing as TOO MUCH(The cake face). I have lived by the standard that sometimes 'less is more,' and I say let your man see you without makeup every so often. Sometimes the prettiest face is the REAL face, I mean you didn't wear makeup as a child so why not experience the good old days.
- (Photo by George De Sota/Liaison)
(Photo by George De Sota/Liaison) 1The Booty
Ladies admit it and fellas let me know if you have heard this, "Does this make my butt look big?" Who cares if it is? Most of us guys enjoy the 'roundness' because we don't have one! So if your trying to find the right pair of jeans that conceal, forget about it and show off the junk in the trunk. If us guys could feel on our butts all day, I can promise you we would!
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