This is such a heartwarming story of a family being reunited with their fur baby. Six years ago, the Vasquez family had their chihuahua mix, King, stolen from their backyard, according to 4 CBS Miami.

Naturally, the San Antonio family did everything they could to find King. They made posters and even offered a reward but King was never found.

Imagine the family’s surprise when they received a phone call out of the blue on Sunday when a woman surrendered King to the Humane Society of Broward County. His microchip revealed just how far from home he had gone. SIX YEARS LATER and over 1,000 miles away. The odds of this happening are just crazy.

The Humane Society officials say they do not know how King made his way to South Florida. A question I’m sure many have and the family wishes to have an answer to. I guess the most important thing is that King found his way home.

The Vasquez family drove more than 20 hours to get King. I’m sure when they reunited it was beautiful.

King is 15 years old.

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