Local Albertson’s Cashier Sings In Hopes Of Starring In National Coca-Cola Ad [VIDEO]
Domonique Dajerae is known by many of her customers as "The Singing Cashier" at Albertson's on Ambassador but in a recent video, she is asking for your help.
The UL graduate posted a video to Facebook proclaiming her love for Coca-Cola (she drinks at least one per day!) by singing one of their iconic theme songs. In the caption she's asks her friends to do her a favor.
Always Coca-Cola. Everyone I work with knows I'm addicted to Coca-Cola!! Maybe I should do a commercial for them!! I would like for my fb friends to share and tag Coca-Cola for me #CocaCola
Her timing is perfect as Coca-Cola is in the middle of their summer 'Share-A-Song' campaign, where they are encouraging Coke lovers to sing along with the lyrics featured on their 20 oz. bottles and cans through the Shazam app.
If you look closely, Domonique is singing along to the lyrics on her bottle and voicing her aspirations to teach the whole world to sing.
If you've ever seen Domonique singing on the job, or just think that she deserves a shot then share this post on your Facebook wall and tag Coca-Cola.
Encourage your friends to do the same and we may just see this local up and coming musician on the big screen!