So you've worked hard over the winter to get your 'beach bod' back, and now you are ready to hit the sand. If you are planning on wearing a thong swimsuit, you might want to make certain that you have your bases covered.

As a general rule: thong swimsuits are legal in public in almost every state in the United States. But, they are not legal in every municipality or jurisdiction in every state.

For example: in Florida, the state allows people to wear thong swimsuits, but several counties and cities do not allow them to be worn. Plan on heading to a Florida State Park? Thongs are illegal there. Plan on hitting South Beach? Anything more than a thong might be considered "overdressed".

Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash
Photo by Guillaume de Germain on Unsplash

No Fashion Police has a blog about which states/cities/municipalities/jurisdictions allow for thongs to be worn and which ones will get you a slap on the wrist.

Delaware: Illegal.

Tennessee: Illegal, save for a few recreational areas.

Lafayette, Louisiana: Legal

Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash
Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Lafayette County, Mississippi: Illegal.

The rest of Mississippi: Legal.

If you are headed to a beach on the Gulf Coast, you should be good-to-go on MOST beaches in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. When you get to Florida, things get dicey.

In Florida, thongs are legal, but not everywhere. On the Gulf Coast, some areas have restrictions set on thongs:

  • Florida State Parks do NOT allow thong swimsuits (it appears, though, that action will only be taken if someone complains)
  • Dixie County
  • Pensacola (though the law only applies to the city, not the beaches, as they are in a different jurisdiction)
  • Hernando County
  • Hillsborough County (Legal in the city of Tampa, though)
  • Key West (wait: Key West? Thongs are illegal in Key West, of all places???)

Of course, sometimes you might be able to get away with wearing a thong in one of the above places if you aren't being "overly offensive" in your behavior (but I am not a lawyer, so there's your disclaimer).

There are plenty of other examples of which states/municipalities allow thongs to be worn in public on the No Fashion Police website.

Happy beachcombing!

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