Attempt To Recall Governor Edwards Of Louisiana Fails After Votes Come Up “Far Short”
An attempt at recalling the Governor of Louisiana, Jon Bel Edwards, has fallen flat. According to reports, less than 1% of the signatures necessary to force a recall election have been submitted.
You can see a report from KADN via @YourNews15 on Twitter below.
According to the above report, the efforts to recall Governor Jon Bel Edwards were not anywhere close to enough to prompt a recall election. The details say that while nearly 27,000 signatures have been submitted, that is less than 1% of the 600,000 signatures needed to be successful.
The main complaints by those who signed this petition were over restrictions concerning COVID-19, including the statewide mask mandate.
While state law is ever-changing here in the state, Louisiana has some pretty weird laws still on the books to this very day. If you want to check out some of those, just read on below.