Can’t Decide Where To Eat? Try Our ‘Wheel Of Eat Lafayette’!
When it comes to choices of where to eat in Lafayette and Acadiana, it can be a pretty arduous task. Pretty much anywhere you go, you'll find great food. Cajun, Mexican, Chinese, Greek, Italian...the list literally goes on and on. How can we even decide? Our problems are solved now! Just give our handy dandy Lafayette "Wheel Of Eats" a spin, and you'll be eatin' good good in no time.
All you have to do is click the wheel below to get started. It'll start spinning and wherever lands, allons manger!
We chose a restaurant for each letter of the alphabet, so hopefully you find something you love, or maybe somewhere you've never eaten.
If the first choice doesn't tickle your fancy, just give it another click...there aren't any rules.
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