Dramatic Video Shows Cars Doing Donuts at Busy Intersection in New Orleans
The madness in New Orleans has not stopped.
A viewer submitted a video to WVUE in New Orleans and as you will see in the video below, a car is seen doing donuts at a busy intersection in New Orleans.
The driver of the car is seen driving recklessly in circles as several people look on and cheer him on.
At one point, a person emerges from the car and sits on TOP of the car while it goes in circles.
The crowd, which is in danger if this driver loses control of the car, appears to approve of this lawlessness and in the background, you can hear other vehicles honking their horn at those obstructing traffic.
WVUE reports that those honking their horns at people in the road were, "Met with shouting, curse words, and guns."
The video below was reportedly shot from an intersection in the CBD of New Orleans. The New Orleans television station reports that this video was taken on Sunday, Feb. 6 and the cars drove around as such for nearly 25 minutes.
All of this comes as the city attempts to get a hold of a number of individuals who have been carjacking people and damaging vehicles in the city.
Since the first video has surfaced, another video was published and you can see another vehicle doing donuts at the same intersection in New Orleans.
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