Maniacal Child Dressed as Real-Life ‘Chucky’ Doll Terrorizes an Alabama Neighborhood
Videos have captured what appears to be a child dressed up in a full 'Chucky' doll costume while walking about an Alabama neighborhood. Many have had the pants scared off of them while casually driving down the quaint street only to be met by this terrifying figure.
Let's get straight to the point - 'Chucky' is absolutely terrifying.
Whichever child out in Pinson, Alabama that is portraying the horrifying doll is doing an incredible job of frightening their neighbors.
Recently, another real-life 'Chucky' doll launched an attack on an unsuspecting subway rider in New York City and the video went viral.
Thankfully, the 'Chucky' doll in Alabama has not attacked anyone so far. Most folks believe this is simply a kid wearing his Halloween costume in the middle of summer.
Either way, the kid has scared the pants off of people who drive by through his neighborhood.
Real-Life Chucky Doll Terrorizes Neighborhood
See the video shared by WDSU News on Facebook below.
While we'd all like to believe that this little 'Chucky' doll is harmless, you can never be too safe. If I were you, I'd simply steer clear of this maniacal child who clearly gets a kick out of scaring drivers who pass by.