Yesterday, CJ was given news that any parent fears: your child has cancer.

He knows that his family is huge, as he considers you, our listener, a part of that family.  He felt that he should explain his absence (while still protecting his family's privacy).

On Wednesday, CJ got a call from Brittni's mom, telling him that they were headed to the hospital to check out Brittni's symptoms that had them worried; CJ immediately made plans to join them (Brittni lives out-of-state).

Yesterday, from the hospital, CJ got in touch with us, telling us Brittni had been diagnosed with leukemia.

This morning, we wake up to this message Brittni posted on Facebook:

Facebook CJ CLements
Facebook CJ CLements

I haven't told many people, but a lot has been going on with me lately so I decided it was time to go to the doctor...little did I know how serious the issue would be. Today I was diagnosed with acute leukemia. I never thought in a million years I would be fighting cancer, but for whatever reason this is the hand I've been dealt. Things don't always go as planned, but sometimes all you can do is stay strong and think positive. I can't thank everyone enough for the love, prayers and support. - Brittni

CJ is so proud of Brittni (she is truly his pride and joy), so we can only imagine how difficult this time will be for him and his family.

He asked us to thank you for reaching out to him and, though he can't respond to each message, he appreciates the support and the comfort he and his family feels knowing that we are all sending prayers and positive thoughts their way.

Many people have contacted Steve, Debbie Ray and me, asking how they can help, and, and this moment, we know of nothing the family needs.

We stand with CJ when we thank you for allowing us in to your home each day, and thank you for being part of our family.

Get well soon Brittni!

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