Because his late father was an Air Force veteran, 22-year-old Allen Smith gets a check from the VA every month. The $650 helps pay his college expenses but, like many students, he could always use some more.

He got a lot more earlier this month, when he opened his VA check and was staring right at the staggering sum of $690 million.

While that could buy many, many lifetimes of books and microwavable burritos, it would also be quite difficult to cash. So Smith quickly decide to return the check.

"He immediately went to the VA officer at Fort Benning -- not the local person for the State of Georgia -- and turned in the check," Smith's mother, Patricia, told WTVM. She added that Adam's father is smiling down on him for his honesty.

VA officials believe the check was a misprint or the system was hacked.

While we'd like to think this is the end of the story, the cynic in us fears poor Adam is going to get stuck with a $200 billion tax bill come April.

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