Color Me Kaylin: From Faded Pink to Rainbow Fantasy
You've cast your votes. You've debated on colors. It's time to reveal the winner for the FIRST-EVER Color Me Kaylin.
This is a major transformation that I am so excited to be a part of in collaboration with The Headquarters of Lafayette
Check it out!
The leaders of this entire collaboration -- Krystin Dupuis and Nonnie Berard put in nearly 10 hours of work for this transformation! I'm gonna take you through the process step by step...buckle up. It's a wild ride.
First up...going from many shades of pink to a blank canvas I like to call banana ice. Sounds weird, but it works. Trust me.
This is what I was starting with. Many shades of pink throughout my hair and a little dry. Nothing a little tender, love, and care can't fix.
The fantastic thing about The Headquarters Salon is that they put the quality and care of your hair first. They've tested the durability of my hair and the strength with different tests with chemicals. They're also amazing with treatments in between processes to make sure the hair stays strong.
Here's what we ended up with after a round of lightening the hair. Ignore my weirdo face, it's just me.
Following that process, we decided to add in some extensions because we needed more length to paint a masterpiece. AKA more canvas to make the vision come alive. I have a lot of hair, and the thickness it pretty insane. We did some thinning and cutting and texturizing to make sure that the extensions would blend.
After that, we ultimately decided to do an undercut. My hair is so thick that the extensions would not lay correctly with the thick layer underneath. This was my first time getting an undercut, and I was pretty excited about it. It really helps in the summer with the heat and humidity.
The girls and I ultimately decided to shave in a design into the undercut. It was a weird feeling to essentially have a buzzcut on my neck, but the results of this one came out super cool. This design was hand-painted and shaved into my hair with clippers. The talent always and forever will be insane from Krystin and Nonnie.
After that, we went in with 5-6 different colors and decided to make a rainbow fantasy and the color placement was a major decision. You have to place colors next to each other that makes sense and will maintain color after washing and styling.
For example, placing yellow at the ends was a great decision. Even after you wash your hair, it will turn into a really cool green that will still end up a great color to go with the rest.
Color theory always fascinates me, man. Science.
Here's the finished product! Insanity.
It's the colors of my dreams. I have always wanted hair like this, it's pure artistry and beauty.
Here's the whole process sped up. It's wild to see the work my ladies put into this one.
I am hoping this inspires you to reach out to The Headquarters Lafayette to make your fantasy hair a reality. It's such an amazing feeling to know that you'll be taken care of and you'll be in an amazing environment. Walking out feeling 18347913785 more confident is something I cannot describe.
I cannot wait for the next one at the end of May...what will the choices be? Only the color gods know :)