The Louisiana Department of Revenue's check printing machine has been working overtime the past few weeks. The reason? It's been processing and printing all of those $250 front line worker checks that were authorized by Governor Edwards to aid essential workers who remained on the job during the coronavirus pandemic.

The Louisiana Department of Revenue says they have mailed out about 69,000 of those $250 checks but there are more people that are expecting money. Those people who haven't been issued a check will be receiving a letter. That letter, expected to be mailed this week, will detail the issues that have delayed or devoided their $250 dollar hazard paycheck.

Officials with the Louisiana Department of Revenue suggest that the main reason that people who have applied for the funds have been denied is most likely clerical. They say there have been multiple instances of forms being filled out incorrectly or residents have submitted incomplete forms.

In some cases, the Department of Revenue has experienced difficulty in verifying a worker's information and in 208 cases the funds were denied because the applicant was determined to have been deceased.

So, if you applied for the $250 hazard pay and have yet to receive it, be on the lookout for this letter from LDR. It will have instructions on what you need to do next to claim the funds if any is owed to you.

By the way, if you are a frontline worker that was deemed an essential employee and have not filed your application you may still do so. Why yes, there are still some $23 million dollars available in this program so you've got nothing to lose by applying.


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