Nothing quite says we're not over with the coronavirus pandemic yet like the amount of hand sanitizer we are now all using. The fact that we are washing our hand incessantly, and still carrying around hand sanitizer everywhere we go pretty much says it all. I mean, when was the last time you went into any retail location, bank, or restaurant when you didn't see gallon bottles of hand sanitizer? And just FYI, we have bottles in every room here at the radio station. It's a sign of the times, for sure.

Photo by Devyn Holman on Unsplash
Photo by Devyn Holman on Unsplash

And earlier this week the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an alert about a brand of hand sanitizer that they say could possibly be harmful to the public. According to a report from KLFY, the artnaturals brand could possibly contain high levels of potentially cancer-causing chemicals. "The FDA said it found unacceptable levels of benzene, acetaldehyde and acetal contaminants in certain artnaturals brand scent-free hand sanitizer labeled with DIST. by artnaturals Gardena, CA 90248. They also went on to say that the company who distributes the hand sanitizer in question "has not replied to the FDA to help identify the manufacturer or declare an official recall."

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

The FDA also recommends that if you have this brand of hand sanitizer, it should be disposed of immediately in a hazardous waste container, and not poured down the drain at your house. They also have a complete list of hand sanitizers that are dangerous, or not recommended for use by the public. According to the FDA, via KLFY, you should use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% ethanol. Y'all be careful out there.



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