One of the happiest seasons of the year is almost here!  On January 6th, the annual trifecta of goodness will enter it's final final phase.  Christmas and New Year's have come and gone, now it's time for Girl Scout Cookie season!

For the first time in 2 years, the most famous cookie lineup in the world has a new addition: Caramel Chocolate Chip.

New GS Cookie - Screenshot
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For my money, it doesn't get better than Samoas.  The cookie/coconut/caramel/chocolate concoction has always been my favorite, but not the only tasty offering from the Girl Scouts.  The Shortbread / Trefoils have always been a solid entry, and even though I am not a mint cookie fan - I have much love for the Thin Mints.

Regardless of which cookie holds a special place in your heart, the little 4 and 5 dollar boxes of happiness will be available this week in front of grocery stores and / or possibly in your neighborhood Girl Scout entrepreneur's little red wagon headed for your front door.

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