As we continue to battle the spread of the coronavirus in Louisiana, Gov. John Bel Edwards has elected to have all bars in the state close their doors again.

Like many of you, we too have been asking, why just bars? Well, during his press conference Thursday in Baton Rouge Gov. Edwards justified his decision to have bars close their doors.

While at the podium the governor said that the spread of the coronavirus is heightened at bars for a few reasons. Gov. Edwards said that people tend to stay in bars longer than restaurants and with loud music in bars, people are more likely to speak louder, thus increasing the chance of "COVID Particles" being spread.

In a previous report here, some Louisiana bar owners have filed a class-action lawsuit against the state for being forced to close.

If you missed the presser from Baton Rouge on Thursday, you can catch the part where the governor addressed bar closures here below.


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