Could it be a sign that life is slowly but surely heading in the direction that most of us remember as normal? A social media post from the Grand Theatre is signaling some good news for those who have missed spending their summer months in front of the big screen.

The movie theatre chain with two locations in Lafayette has plans to reopen on August 28th. But there will be certain policies and protocols that patrons and staff will be required to follow.

Among those requirements are the wearing of a face covering. Guests will be required to wear a face mask anytime they are away from their socially distanced seats. There will also be designated areas within the facility where face masks will be required. Among those places are in the public lobby, at the concession stands, or in the public restrooms.

On its website, the company has a detailed outline of specific protocols and cleaning procedures that are being followed to offer guests a little more peace of mind. In addition to the enhanced and frequent cleaning and sanitizing protocols. The theatre chain has required staff members to undergo additional training. Also, guests will be encouraged to take advantage of "touchless ticketing" by eliminating fees for online ticket purchases.

The chain also noted that high contact surface areas the theatres will be cleaned and sanitized every half hour and that every theatre seat is cleaned after every use. Staff and management will also undergo daily health screenings as well and the theatre is installing higher filtration MERV filters in their HVAC systems.


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