How to See The Most Recent Posts on Facebook
There's nothing more aggravating than seeing the same posts over and over on Facebook.
Well, did you that there is a link on Facebook that you can click that will send you to the most recent posts on the social media platform?
If you go to your home page on Facebook and look to the left, you will see under your name several links.
In order to see the most recent posts by "friends" on Facebook, you will need to click the "Recent and Favorites" link.
Then, once there, you can click on the "Recent" tab on the page, and all of a sudden you will the most recent posts in your news feed.
I would encourage you to share this reminder with your friends on social media so that they too can see how to get the latest posts on Facebook
Hey, this may even stop some from sharing older stories on their page, that they think is new.
I hope this helps you enjoy Facebook a bit more, and remember my number one rule, DO NOT read the comments on some public pages!
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