UPDATE: Vehicle on I-10 in Baton Rouge Flattened by Materials – Driver Reportedly Ticketed
Video from the Baton Rouge area shows what appears to be a flatted vehicle on I-10. According to reports, one person was taken to the hospital after materials from on-top of a passing truck fell off and landed on the car below.
Reports from @WBRZ provided the below in update on the driver involved.
Reports from WBRZ say that the incident caused I-10 to close just as it turns right from the New Bridge. The one lane stretch of roadway is notorious per the report.
The report adds that the truck that was carrying the materials later pulled over down the interstate. The panels can be seen still laying across the back end of the vehicle.
The report adds that the victim of the incident received non-life threatening injuries.
Vehicle on I-10 in Baton Rouge Gets Flatted by Materials from Passing Truck
See the video posted by WBRZ Channel 2 on Facebook here.
The latest from @BR_Traffic says that all lanes are now open on I-10 East in Baton Rouge before College Drive.
According to @BRProudNews multiple cars were affected by the incident. See more details below.