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If you, like millions of Americans, are working from home and you've grown tired of work meetings via the video conference calling application Zoom - you're in for a treat!  i found a way to breath some new (and very weird) life into those get-togethers.

Business Insider is reporting that a very special little farm nestled in Calfornia's Silicon Valley has a special guest lined up for your next meeting that will make a much better impact than your Q2 reports - a llama.  Is a llama is a bit overboard?  How about a goat, sheep, pig, cow, or turkey?

Sure, none of them have any book-keeping acumen, but what they lack in Excel skill they make up for with that down home farmy-charm your next meeting needs.  At the very least, this will make an interesting subject for your next meeting with HR.  Prices range from 65$ to $250 - a small price to pay to see the look on your bosses face, just don't try to expense it.

You can sign up for the "Goat 2 Meeting" service from Sweet Farm here if you need a good way to deliver baaaaaad news.


MORE INFO: 7 easy ways to stop touching your face

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