Door Falls From Military Plane While Over North Louisiana Town
What is going on with military planes?
Just recently we reported that a pilot ejected from an F35 jet over South Carolina and it crashed down after being on autopilot for hours.
Now, we have a report of a door falling from a B52 plane on September 15th, that was flying over north Louisiana.
According to KPLC, the door fell from the huge military plane while it was flying over Benton, Louisiana. Benton is a small town just north of Shreveport.
Police responded to the scene where the door was located, and military personel later arrived to retrieve the door that fell from the plane.
Amazingly, the plane was able to land safely at Barksdale Airforce Base, and no one aboard the plane was injured in this bizarre mishap.
Still, this is the second bizarre incident involving a U.S. military plane while over our homeland. So, what is going on and should we be concerned about our safety while the planes are overhead?
If you missed the guy describing the military plane crash in South Carolina, check this out.