South Louisiana is about to face what is being called a generational snow event.

Obviously, Louisiana isn't very well versed when it comes to the affects significant snowfall can have on our houses and property.

How could the upcoming snow event affect the gutters on your house?

Let's see what we can find out.

Snow And Gutters
Unsplash Via Ian Talmacs

How Snow Affects Gutters

It's been years since Louisiana has seen significant snowfall, but here we go.

Winter storm and snow warnings are posted for South Louisiana and much of the Gulf Coast as we brace for what if foretasted to be a considerable snow event.

Lafayette and Acadiana is currently set to see snowfall amounts between 4 and 8 inches.

attachment-Lafayette Louisiana Snowfall

Snowfall of this magnitude isn't something we're used to.

According to KATC's Rob Perillo -

"Winter Storm Warnings were issued for Acadiana for Tuesday for the impending historic snowfall event that is expected to unfold.

Acadiana remains on track for a snowfall that not been seen in more than 60 years!"

What impact can this type of snowfall have on our homes and property?

This got got us thinking about gutters.

Can snow accumulate and cause gutters to rip away from your house?

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(Photo by Kayla Bartkowski/Getty Images)

How Snow and Ice Can Wreak Havoc on Your Gutters

Snow and ice can definitely cause damage to your gutters.

When snow piles up, it adds a ton of weight to your gutters, which can make them sag, pull away from the house, or even collapse.

The weight of the snow is certainly a bit concerning, but it's the ice that can cause issues as well.

When the snow starts to melt and refreezes, it turns into heavy ice that puts even more stress on the brackets and seams.

How Much Snow Does It Take To Damage Gutters?

From kgaurdgutters -

"While 4-6” of snow doesn’t seem like an overwhelming amount, it can wreak havoc on a residential gutter system.

Did you know that snow weighs approximately 20 lbs per cubic foot? The higher the moisture in the snow, the more it weighs."


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(Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images)

Prevent Snow Damage To Gutters

Although at this point snow damage to your gutters seems more possible than probable, there's no guarantee how much snow you'll get at your house.

You still have time to take a look at your gutters and do what you can to help protect them.

1. Clean Your Gutters - Debris will add extra weight to the snow and ice.

2. Gutter Guards - Gutter guards can help reduce the risk of ice dams.

3. Inspect Your Gutters For Damage - Take a look at your gutters and inspect them for any damage that snow and ice could make worse.

4. Rake Your Roof - If we get the significant amount of snow predicted for the Acadiana area or more, you may want to rake or sweep some snow off of your roof before it has the chance to slide into your gutters.

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Gallery Credit: Andrea Vale

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