Kreayshawn Reveals That Time She Was Catfished by a Fake Diplo [VIDEO]
While we've seen everyday people being duped by imposters on the reality show 'Catfish: The TV Show,' sometimes it happens to our favorite artists, too. Kreayshawn recently revealed that she was tricked by someone posing as Diplo.
It all started when the rapper began posting videos she edited of her friends' parties online. At some point, the Mad Decent blog picked hers up and featured it on their site.
"I was insanely happy," she recounted. "You know that moment when you say, 'Wow I want to this for the rest of my life' type of feeling. That was definitely the moment because... To see someone recognize me that I recognize as being so amazing as this blog [is] in general, I was like, 'Yo, this is dope as hell. They posted my video. And Diplo or whoever updated the blog was like, 'Oh yeah, cool video by this chick Kreayshawn."
But things took a different turn when she received an email from Diplo (or so she thought). The conversations between the two carried on from 2009 to 2011. While she was starstruck by all of this at first, things began to get weird when "Diplo" sent her nude photos.
Kreay decided to go ahead and contact Diplo via Twitter DM to find out if it really was him after all. She sent the nude photo to the producer and he settled everything once and for it: it wasn't him. Clearly Kreayshawn was duped.
"At the end of the day, now that I'm talking to Diplo, and I know it's Diplo," she said. "I know him now. He produced on my album and everything. Now it's really weird and surreal."
We're sure Kreayshawn will stick to phone calls from now on.