Legendary rock band Kiss invaded the CajunDome last night -  complete with pyro, fog machines and elevated stages. Platform boots, spiked leather outfits and face painted fans got to "Rock and Roll All Nite" with the 70's rock band. Fans young and old got to take a break from reality with one of the first concerts back since the pandemic began.

One fan in particular didn't even know he was going to be in attendance last night, but he got the surprise royal treatment from his good friend.

Jerry Bob, owner of local business SuperTaters, surprised his friend Colby Forman with tickets and VIP backstage access. Colby has Spina Bifida and has been confined to a wheel chair since birth. Jerry and Colby have been friends for 15 years, and Jerry found out quickly upon meeting Colby that he was a die hard KISS fan. Jerry says he knew he had surprise his friend when he heard the band was coming into town.

Here is Jerry and Colby backstage last night.

Jerry did amazing capturing the special moment when Colby actually got to meet the band! You can see and hear the absolute excitement as he meets his lifelong idols.

Moments like these remind you of what it's all about. Friendship and the music that bonds us. We all have favorite musical artists and bands. We can only dream and imagine moments like Colby had last night. This moment was one that should inspire all of us to be better people and better friends to one another.

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