It's always interesting how, even if you've lived somewhere your entire life, you can always learn something new about a city. Do you know about Lafayette's hidden cemetery?

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Broadmoor Cemetary In Lafayette

When comes to Lafayette and Acadiana, there's so much rich history and culture that you live a lifetime here and not learn everything there is to know about our area.

Such is the case with a recent discussion on the Lafayette Memories Facebook page about a "hidden" cemetery off of Broadmoor Blvd.

The cemetery is Whittington Cemetery, located off of Broadmoor Blvd right by the Vermilion.

 Whittington Cemetery In Lafayette, Lousiana

The official address of Whittington Cemetery is 101 Mosswood Cir in Lafayette.

Obviously, Whitting Cemetery is located on private property, which is what contributes to it being referred to as "hidden".

According to the first person to be buried in Whittington Cemetery was John S Whittington in 1899, with the last and most recent burial being in 2008.

In total, 12 people are buried at Whittington Cemetery.


Whittington Cemetery in Lafayette


The discussion about Whittington Cemetery caught our attention on the Facebook page "Lafayette Memories" when someone asked if anyone knew anything about it.




As you might expect, Mariam's question stirred up a good bit of conversation and information.




In this areal view on Google Maps, you can see the graves and some of the headstones in Whittington Cemetery.


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Google Maps


In 2015, The Advertiser ran a story about a development dispute between homeowners and that piece of land.

In the story, we learn a little bit more about the "hidden cemetery".

From -

"Residents also have a Nov. 13, 2003, letter from James Whittington Sr., who said the oldest marked grave in the cemetery is of his great-grandfather who died in 1899. His deceased aunt told him Civil War soldiers are buried there and others who worked on the Whittington farm.

A $30,000 archeological study will be conducted to determine if there are any unmarked graves on the property before construction, said Allen Angers of Spectrum Real Estate."

You can hop in on the "hidden" Whittington Cemetery conversation on the Lafayette Memories Facebook page.

If you have any photos of Whittington Cemetery that we can include in this story, please send em our way!

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Gallery Credit: Stacey Marcus

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