Over the years, Google Maps has captured some fascinating — and at times, downright eerie — images.

One particularly chilling photo taken in Maurice, Louisiana, left me genuinely startled.

Google Maps
Google Maps

Eerie Image Caught On Google Maps In Louisiana

I was browsing Google Maps, looking for an image of North Vermilion High School for a story, and stumbled upon something unexpected.

While exploring LA-699, I noticed that on the day the Google car passed by, a blood drive was underway at North Vermilion, with two Vitalant mobile donation buses parked prominently in front of the school.

From there is when I began drifting off into the Googleverse.

Clicking East down LA-699, I realize what a gorgeous day it was when Google mapped this area.

Going a little further East, something in the distance caught my eye.

Google Maps
Google Maps


I'm not sure why my brain decided to make me notice what appeared to be a shadow in the distance, but oddly it did.

Could it be because as humans we're kind of hardwired to recognize danger?

Then I zoomed in, and at first, I thought Google had caught a burglar creeping around someone's property in Maurice.

Was it a thief caught in the act on Google? Or, God forbid, is it someone getting ready to do something even worse?


Google Maps
Google Maps

You see it right?

With my phone in one hand calling the Maurice Police Department, I zoomed in as much as I could with my other hand and realized what I was seeing was...

Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps


Louisiana Bigfoot Sighting

That's right, there's a Bigfoot in Maurice!

Obviously, it's not a real Bigfoot. I mean, Bigfoot is clearly real, but this one in Maurice is just a cut-out...I think.

I've spoken to a few people around the station who have seen the Bigfoot surprise in person while driving on LA 699, and they all say it made do a big double-take when they saw it.

To whoever is responsible for "The Maurice Bigfoot", thank you. You're definitely my kind of people.

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Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps

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