This little girl is a prank phone call pro. Seriously, I've never seen such skills in an 8 year old.

I'm not sure if it's the Irish accent or the fact that this is one of the most genius prank phone calls I have ever heard, but I can't stop laughing. Someone get this girl an agent!

I'm almost hoping this girls parents put her up to this, because once she reaches the age of 18 I don't think the world will be able to handle a evil comedic genius like her. Not only did she ask for her school to be demolished, but she requested that her teachers were locked inside during the whole thing!

Oh, and then when the people on the phone start laughing she quickly says "Is this the demolition company or a joke factory". Yes! Real talk, how did she come up with the zinger on the fly like that?

Pretty much I just want to be this girls best friend. I mean, the video was posted about 6 years ago, so I feel like we could definitely be besties -- Yeah, I know I'm 6 years late discovering the most epic prank call of all time, but better late than never!

[via, animg94's channel]

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