Gary Chambers, who you may recall from a previous story when he smoked marijuana in a political ad, is at it again and this time he has set a Confederate flag on fire in his latest ad.

The Baton Rouge candidate for the U.S. Senate talked about Louisiana history in the ad while preparing to burn the Confederate flag and he says in the ad that the "Jim Crow Laws" never really went away Louisiana and/or the south.

Chambers would go on to say in the political ad below that the political system is broken and that it hinders minorities in the process.

YouTube Scars and Bars
YouTube Scars and Bars

Some in the political world are saying that these types of ads are being produced to generate interest in the candidate and if that is so, well his ads are being talked about.

The Confederate flag in the latest ad for Chambers is soaked with gasoline and slowly becomes fully engulfed in flames before falling to the ground.

Chambers is then seen standing with his arms crossed as he approves the message in the ad.

YouTube Scars and Bars
YouTube Scars and Bars

Here's the latest ad that has many talking on social media where the Confederate is burned.

If you missed his previous political ad when he was smoking marijuana in the ad, you can see it here.

In this ad, Chambers highlights how much the state of Louisiana spends on enforcing marijuana laws and he claims that African-Americans are four times more likely to be arrested for violating the marijuana laws in this state than white people.


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