Known for their social media engagement and lighthearted Facebook posts, the sheriff’s office announced a new protocol for traffic stops that has everyone talking—and laughing.

In a recent Facebook post, the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office announced that deputies would no longer ask drivers to step out of their vehicles during traffic stops. Instead, deputies will " join drivers inside their cars." The post, which quickly went viral, humorously requested that drivers keep their air conditioning running and have some road snacks ready.

“With the temperature outside soaring, we are no longer requesting you to step out of your vehicle,” the post read. “We are, however, going to ask if you don’t mind that we join you in your vehicle for the remainder of the traffic stop. Please have the AC cranking and some road snacks. Thank you.” They even threw in hashtags like #AGoodPlaylistOnTheAuxWouldBeNice and #GotAnyJuiceBoxesTheKidsWontMiss, adding to the fun.

The response from the community has matched their positive energy, with comments ranging from practical to downright hilarious:

Cilka Jenkins wrote, “I have kids. Always snacks in the car.”

Leisa Sellers added, “Stay cool however you can!! lol”

Sarah Ann shared, “Yes please have a seat, don't mind the patches on the headliner... would you like water or snacks... orrr can we go get some drive thru daiquiris lmao.”

While this is clearly a fun joke, it’s a perfect example of how a little humor and humanity can go a long way in building trust and camaraderie between law enforcement and the community.

So, hats off to the St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office for not only keeping us safe but also putting a smile on our faces during these sweltering summer days. And if you find yourself pulled over, remember to have that AC blasting and maybe share a snack or two just in case.

LOOK: What major laws were passed the year you were born?

Data for this list was acquired from trusted online sources and news outlets. Read on to discover what major law was passed the year you were born and learn its name, the vote count (where relevant), and its impact and significance.

Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff

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