Man Trying to Find a Cast-Iron Skillet Donated to Goodwill
Cajuns love their cast-iron skillets. Especially the ones that have been handed down from our grandparents. So, we can totally relate to this guy. Stuart Dodson is asking for help finding his cast-iron skillet that is a family heirloom. Dodson told WYFF that his 82-year-old father accidentally donated the skillet to Goodwill at 1902 Woodruff Road in Greenville, SC on the Friday before Thanksgiving, November 20th.
Dodson is desperately trying to find it. He said he called around to all Upstate and Midlands S.C. Goodwill stores to see if he can find it. Obviously, trying to find his 81-year-old mother’s treasure is not going to be easy.
This item has immense sentimental value as my mom grew up in a farmhouse with a wood stove in North Carolina. This skillet was what her mother cooked with on that wood stove. My mother has moved this skillet from Greenville to Hilton Head to Greenville. - Stuart Dodson
According to WYFF, Dodson is willing to reimburse the price paid for the skillet AND pay a finder’s fee to the person who returns it. He is hoping someone comes through for his mother.
The skillet brand is Griswold and it has a lid. It measures 10 to 11.5 inches wide. Dodson said it could have been a No.8, No. 9, or No. 10 in skillet size. He said it did need some work. See the one from Etsy below for a similar description.
Dodson says the skillet has a lot of history in his family. He said his mother had recently unpacked the skillet and was preparing to clean it and season it because she has a gas grill top. She had plans to preserve it and pass it on.
Anyone with information is asked to email Stuartdodson.21@gmail.com.
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