A man who works Downtown recently took to the internet to warn others about Lafayette's Downtown parking garage elevator.

Let's set the scene: it's Friday night. You and your sig-o want to head into Downtown Lafayette to enjoy the Christmas Pop-up at Pamplona, a nice steak at Vestal, or maybe some Nigiri at Tsunami. Your search for street parking comes up empty (or, maybe, you just suck at parallel parking) so you head to the Downtown parking garage.

You find an open spot, check your hair and lips, clutch your clutch, and head to the elevator. After pressing the "CALL" button (please tell me you did NOT use your finger to press that button!), you patiently await the arrival of your mechanical carriage.

And you wait.

And you wait some more.

As you take to the stairs to make your way down you notice on the level below, through a blinding barrage of red flashing lights, a gaggle of uniform-clad lads. Congregated around the elevator door, these lads are attempting to make contact with whoever is trapped inside the said elevator.

According to one user in the sub-Reddit r/Acadiana, this has happened several times over the past few months.

via Reddit
via Reddit

u/stoner took to Reddit to let people know that the Downtown parking garage elevator was holding people hostage from time to time and, in his words, it might be "best to just take the stairs".

via Google Street View
via Google Street View

Unless, u/stoner says, you want to be late to something. Have a business meeting you don't want to go to? Take the elevator in the parking garage. Meeting the over-intrusive, dual-engine helicoptering in-laws for dinner? TAKE THE ELEVATOR!

Granted, we don't know exactly how often the elevator eats people. Nor do we know if the city has already rectified the situation by having the elevator repaired. We just hear that it happens from time to time, often enough for u/stoner to want others to know of the possible inconvenience.

Speaking of getting stuck on elevators, this clip should calm your nerves.

Have a nice elevator ride.

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