Mysterious Pyramid Structure In A New Orleans Cemetery Will Be A Major Celebrity’s Resting Place [VIDEO]
There is no place in the world like New Orleans cemeteries. So it makes sense that the biggest names in the entertainment industry want to be buried in New Orleans.
St. Louis cemetery is home to one of the most famous dead people in the world, Voodoo queen Marie Laveau, and now the still alive Nicolas Cage.
According to Historic New Orleans tours, Nicolas Cage bought the pyramid shaped tomb back in 2010. Mr. Cage is very much alive at kicking at 50 years of age. So it will be a while before he'll call New Orleans home for eternity!
As you can see in the video above there is a message or saying on the front of his tomb "Omni Ab Uno". It's Latin for "Everything From One."
Your saying to yourself, "I've never heard him say anything about buying a tomb in New Orleans". Well, you're right. He has never mentioned it before, and it's been a secret until now. But, just like Marie Laveau's tomb, people are fascinated and have now even started KISSING Nicolas Cages tomb with bright red lipstick! LOL!!
If you want to visit Nicholas Cage's tomb in New Orleans, you can find it in the St. Louis Cemetery No. 1. CLICK HERE for all the tourist info.