Reward Offered For Information On Man Who Threw Dog Off Bridge
It was not the sight that canoers floating along Bayou Des Cannes on June 1 ever expected to see. Witnesses say on that date a man driving a white pickup truck stopped his vehicle on the Old Basile Highway Bridge (LA 757) and tossed a small dog over the side into the water. The driver of the truck got into his vehicle and left.
Fortunately, the dog survived the fall and was rescued by the canoers who witnessed the atrocity. Those kind canoers then scooped up the cold, wet, and scared animal and took him directly to a veterinarian for treatment.
News of this despicable act reached the Louisiana Humane Society and they are now offering a $500 reward for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the person who committed this unspeakable act on this innocent animal. If you have information on this crime you may contact the Louisiana Humane Society by calling (901) 268-4432.
The prognosis for the dog, named Timex, is good. An x-ray revealed the animal had been shot with a pellet gun in the groin area but other than that appeared to be none the worse for wear.