Rihanna Denies That She Is Involved With Actor Ashton Kutcher [VIDEO]
For weeks we have been hearing speculation that Rihanna may be "getting close" to the ex of Demi Moore, Ashton Kutcher, but she was quick to put that to rest at a recent overseas press conference. Rumors have been running rampant on websites and blog sites that Rihanna and Ashton may be seeing each other after she was seen arriving to his home in the late hours of the night, and staying over for several hours. Watch as she puts the speculation to rest.At the press conference for Battleship in London, one brave reporter asked the singer if Ashton would be coming overseas to join her in the near future. While RiRi was quick to make it clear that she is happily single, you can't help but notice that she was a little upset with that one particular question. See for yourself.