Some Mad at Meteorologists Because Storms Were Mild in Lafayette
It appears that some people are upset that our local meteorologists were predicting severe weather in Lafayette and it turned out to be mild.
Look, I get it: you think it's comparable to crying "WOLF!"
You think that if the meteorologist always go to 11 and the weather only goes to 6 that people will stop listening to the experts.
If you are one of those who were upset that the weather was mild yesterday, you need a reality check.
I could post the social media posts I've come across chastizing our local weather experts, but I won't do that. I'll do something better: I'll explain.
Meteorologists are scientists who take information from a few sources, put those models together, and then use their experience to determine the future path of storms or weather conditions. Sometimes they get it right, like 100% right. Other times, they miss and, sometimes, they miss by a mile.
How often do you determine the future with 100% accuracy? (HINT: you don't.)
Yesterday's storms had the potential to be severe in our area. When the potential is there, the chance is there. When the chance is there, it is the duty of meteorologists to warn you of that chance. Heck, it's my duty to parrot what the meteorologists say when it comes to severe weather. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE THE EXPERTS!
But, we have to remember: meteorology is NOT an exact science. Is it much, much, much (I want to type "much" 300 times) better than it was just 20 years ago, but it isn't (and may never be) exact.
Did you see what happened in New Orleans? That could have happened here, but it didn't. Why? I don't know, because I'm not an expert.
But the point still stands: it could have happened here.
Had the schools and businesses that closed not listened to the weather forecasters, they would have been fine this time. THIS TIME. But what about next time, when the conditions DO come together to create severe weather?
For those who called yesterday's cancellations of schools and warnings from meteorologists a "false alarm", know this: it wasn't. It was real, as the potential for severe weather existed. Actually, it was a strong possibility.
A mere 122 miles from my home, other homes were totally destroyed by the same weather system that had blown over my house just a few hours earlier.
We are the lucky ones: we are lucky the storms didn't hit us, and we are lucky to have professional, experienced meteorologists in Acadiana.
I will take 100 false alarms over 1 REAL emergency that I'm not prepared for any day.
If you know someone who is upset over the "false alarm", let me do the dirty work for you: show them this post.
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