Isn't it sad how quickly the spotlight fades once the show is over? Probably no where is this more true than in the case of the Easter egg. Before Easter Sunday, the eggs are lovingly boiled so they won't crack. There are countless hours spent attempting to dye the eggs just the right color while balancing them on that little wire spoon thing.

Sherri Camp/ThinkStock
Sherri Camp/ThinkStock

Then comes the excitement of hiding the brightly colored eggs on Easter Sunday and lastly the frustration that comes with hiding twelve eggs and only finding eleven.

Such is a typical Easter Sunday for many homes in South Louisiana. After the egg hunts come all the unique uses for those extra boiled eggs that you suddenly find filling up your refrigerator and creating a bit of a "suburban" Lake Charles smell in that appliance as well.


We took to Facebook to see what uses you'd be having for the "extra eggs" that the day after Easter usually brings and the overwhelming favorite answer is to make deviled eggs. I know it seems sacrilegious to create "deviled" eggs out of Easter eggs but this "devil" isn't Lucifer. Deviling in this case means "to cook with spicy seasoning usually over very high heat".

In addition to deviled eggs, a good number of those who responded to our query suggested they would be creating a "very colorful" egg salad. I am guessing the colors will come from those little bits of dye left in the eggs even after they have been peeled and washed.

One person even suggested they would be making "Armadillo Eggs" which would be a pretty neat trick since the recipe for those doesn't include boiled eggs. The Armadillo eggs involve jalapeno pepper, cream cheese, ground meat, and bacon. But from what we understand there is no law saying you can't force a boiled egg into that recipe.

Needless to say, everyone has their own way of dealing with an extra boiled egg or two. Personally, I like to drop them in some brine and pickle them. A lot of you mentioned that as well. There is nothing better than adding a pickled egg to a sandwich or making a pickled egg salad.

And no matter how you choose to use them, your recipe is still better than what will happen to that poor soul who mentioned he was unable to find all of the eggs that were hidden inside his house. Yeah, you're going to find those eggs in a couple of weeks, let's hope the weather will allow you to open a few windows when you do.

By the way, food experts say boiled eggs will last in most refrigerators for up to seven days. That means you could be eating on those eggs all the way through next weekend if you don't come up with a great idea to use them sooner. Goodness knows with the price of eggs rising, you certainly don't want to waste them, but then again you never really want to waste food.

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