Next time your significant other brings up flirting with other people, remind them that a new study says it's "healthy" if it's with your co-workers. The study was conducted by Washington State University and apparently flirting can alleviate stress at work. The article published by the university said that "light-hearted flirtation and banter among peers." can yield positive results

The study is very clear when it comes to the difference between flirtation and the persistent, unwelcome acts of sexual harassment. It's a known fact that being the target of harassment creates stress at work. Assistant Professor Leah Sheppard and her crew discovered that being the recipient of flirtation can relieve stress instead. The polar opposite of sexual harassment, let's make sure we know there is a CLEAR line there.

The article went on to say that "non‑harassing social sexual behavior which includes what the researchers call sexual storytelling, such as jokes and innuendoes, as well as flirtatious behavior, comprised of coy glances and compliments on physical appearance."


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