Woman Grabs a Crab Off The Floor, Then Throws It Into Pot [VIDEO]Woman Grabs a Crab Off The Floor, Then Throws It Into Pot [VIDEO]Watch as a woman battles with a crab that is on her floor and holding on tight to the cabinets in her home.Chris ReedChris Reed
What's in Imitation Crab and How It Gets Its ShapeWhat's in Imitation Crab and How It Gets Its ShapeThe reason imitation crab tastes so much as fish could be because of what's in it. The reason it's in the shape of a crab claw is not by accident. And as for the fake color...well...you can see where this is going.CJCJ
How Did She Get This on the Flight?How Did She Get This on the Flight?Apparently, a woman managed to bring an entire seafood feast onto a Spirit Airlines flight and the internet has questions.DJ DigitalDJ Digital