When a 'Family Feud' clip goes viral, it's because a contestant gave a ridiculous answer that must be seen to be believed. NFL Hall of Famer Bruce Smith is the latest.
By now you've probably seen the video of the woman who gave a hilariously wrong answer on "Family Feud Canada." The clip went viral and now she is getting $10,000 worth of free food because of it.
A woman competing on the Canadian version of the venerable game show may have topped them all with an answer she gave on an episode that ran earlier this week.
One contestant on "Family Feud" nearly drove Steve Harvey crazy. When asked what's another way to say mother, Sheila kept giving answers that were already given by her family members.
A contestant on Family Feud was asked to name something women wear that MUST have been designed by a man because it's so uncomfortable---he said TEXAS!!
Most of the time, Jimmy Fallon confines the 'Tonight Show' games to just one or two participants, enough to keep things clean and easy to follow, with plenty of attention for his various guests. On last night's edition, however, the host decided to pump things up just a bit with an all-star take on 'Family Feud' that crowded the show's stage with a metric ton of Hollywood talent.
"Name a yellow fruit." "Orange." It is answers like this that will get you included on a supercut of the worst answers in 'Family Feud' history.