A young man in L.A. was riding his motorcycle in the mountains and when he came around one curve he hit a FIRETRUCK head on and lived to talked about it.
A guy went through a shopping mall with his motorcycle as he was eluding police, but things got really wild when he rode his motorcycle down the escalator.
Philip Hebert of Moss Bluff was arrested after operating a motorcycle in a reckless manner and taunting police, who eventually caught up to him when he ran out of gas.
Police tell the Asbury Park Press newspaper that the boy's mother gave her permission to let 53-year-old Frank Albanese of New York take the boy on his bike to Staten Island.
An Ohio Man's dying wish was to be buried with his beloved Harley Davidson motorcycle, and his family is honoring his wish. Billy Standley is taking his bike with him, six feet below the earth's surface, in a massive see through casket.
This guy (or girl) is crazy. Or ‘cray’ as they say. We hate to sound like the worried parents, but honestly… what’s the point of this? To be a YouTube phenomenon? We can’t even see their face. Motorcycles are often vehicles for the presumptuous, obnoxious and sometimes overweight — Harleys tend to tie in with the latter...