
10 Ways to be a Better Neighbor
10 Ways to be a Better Neighbor
10 Ways to be a Better Neighbor
Having good neighbors starts with being a good neighbor. Much like a relationship, an open channel of communication is important to smooth sailing.
Coyote In Youngsville
Coyote In Youngsville
Coyote In Youngsville
This morning, as I was preparing to leave home, I saw a coyote run down my street. Right down the middle of the street. And he wasn't playing around, he was in full-blown scat mode! Running faster than I could have imagined a coyote could run, and it continued until it was around the bend, maintaining its position in the center of the street...
Neighbor Catches Girl Falling From Three Stories Up [VIDEO]
Neighbor Catches Girl Falling From Three Stories Up [VIDEO]
Neighbor Catches Girl Falling From Three Stories Up [VIDEO]
Here is a terrifying video that has been getting a lot of attention within the last 12-hours on the internet, it shows a neighbor catching a young girl as she leaps from the third floor of a Brooklyn apartment complex. Watch what one hero does to help the seven-year-old break her fall.