Here is a terrifying video that has been getting a lot of attention within the last 12-hours on the internet, it shows a neighbor catching a young girl as she leaps from the third floor of a Brooklyn apartment complex. Watch what one hero does to help the seven-year-old break her fall. The young girl found a way to make her way onto an air conditioner unit and while up there she started to entertain the on-lookers. After crawling out, she clowned around, singing and dancing on top of the air conditioner as a crowd of kids looked on from below before losing her balance and falling!!!


The man who caught the young girl, Steve St Bernard, says "I'm not a hero — anybody would have done it. I did it out of normal instincts." Luckily for the the young girl who fell three stories, she escaped serious injury. Bernard was able to help break the young lady's fall as he was able to get both arms out and slow down her momentum . The young lady did suffer from minor bruises and scratches as her head came into contact with the bushes below. What a miracle.


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