
A Second Chance Heaven Sent
A Second Chance Heaven Sent
A Second Chance Heaven Sent
A lot can happen in 24 hours. Ted Williams was recently standing on the corner in Columbus, OH, holding up a sign that read "God-given gift of a great voice." A local paper shot a video of Williams telling an abbreviated version of his story, and soon the clip went viral. 4 million views and counting later, the Cleveland Cavaliers have extended a job offer, as well as a home offer. Read
Homeless Man Gets A 2nd Chance
Homeless Man Gets A 2nd Chance
Homeless Man Gets A 2nd Chance
A lot can happen in 24 hours. Ted Williams was recently standing on the corner in Columbus, OH, holding up a sign that read "God-given gift of a great voice." A local paper shot a video of Williams telling an abbreviated version of his story, and soon