You read that headline correctly. A tour company will soon be launching passenger voyages into the underwater wreckage of the historic Titanic ship. The trip will run you roughly $125,000, so you better check and see how that rainy day fund is looking.

When I read this article from the New York Daily News, I instantly thought of so many fans of the movie "Titanic" who would empty out their life savings for a chance to check out the infamous sunken ship.

The tour company running the trips is named OceanGate Expeditions and you can check out their websites press page on the recent announcement of their Summer 2021 expeditions. According to the website, the six missions that are scheduled will include "citizen scientists and explorers. They also plan on plan to document the experience with high level equipment in order to, "create a fully explorable photorealistic virtual 3-D model of the site" the website reads.

Of course the internet had some funny things to say about all of this. Check out some posts on Twitter below

I am going to be honest - the ocean scares the HELL out of me. So much unknown, so much darkness. I think I would get claustrophobic so far in the depths and absolutely panic.

By the way, I am not trying to dance around the fact that I don't have $125,000 to throw at a ticket for this incredible experience.

I do know a few adventurous, die-hard "Titanic" fans that would drool over the idea of this journey.

I also think it's amazing that they are documenting the entire experience so that people will be able to enjoy the deceased ship in it's current state forever.

While I won't be booking this trip anytime soon, this idea does have me ready to rewatch the epic movie.

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