The 25 Worst Pet Names For Your Lover
We have all heard at one time or another somebody call their lover by a 'pet name.' Here are the top 25 names someone should not use when referring to their lover.
After dating for a while it becomes acceptable to give your significant other a cute little nickname, but most people try too hard. According to thestir, here are the top 25 Worst 'Pet Names' for your significant other.
- Shmoop or Shmoopie
- Poopsie
- Cutie Patootie
- Most anything food-related, not limited to: Pudding, Baby Cakes, Honey Pot, Muffin
- Baby Girl or Baby Boy
- Snuggluffagus
- JuJuBee
- Cowpie
- Muammar Gaddafi
- Booger
- Lovey Yummers
- Slutty Buddy
- Thunder Chunk
- Tubba Wubba
- Hitler
- Fart Bomber
- Paycheck
- Princess
- Hey, You
- Mein Führer
- Representative Weiner (D-N.Y.)
- Bed Bug
- Pennis the Menance
- Mama or Daddy
- Vagitarian